Money on Books Ex-Offender Job Services is a re-entry program tool that will help ex-offenders transition into the workforce. Our goal is to help participants to become employed thereby reducing recidivism, increasing offender accountability, and enable each participant to become self-sufficient and a fully participating member of society.
If you are an individual who has either been recently released from incarceration, were previously incarcerated, has an arrest or misdemeanor conviction in need of employment assistance, your Money on Books’ Ex-Offender Job Services can help. Each Money on Books’ Ex-Offender Job Services has trained staff available to assist you.
Working from a list of employers who have hired ex-offenders before, or have indicated that they are interested in hiring ex-offenders in the future, our staff provides ex-offenders employment referrals. In many cases, Money on Books’ Ex-Offender Job Services refer individuals to labor demand occupations, improving ex-offender chances of obtaining employment. Money on Books’ Ex-Offender Job Services also collaborate with the construction industry, school construction projects, and union-sponsored job training programs. Further, Money on Books’ Ex-Offender Services partner with the automobile industry, which has welcomed candidates into training programs for mechanic assistants and related jobs.
Money on Books’ Ex-Offender Job Services can help remove some of the more common barriers to employment for ex-offenders, helping with issues such as driver’s license restoration, referrals to community mental health programs, job search preparation classes, and community release programs under Parole supervision.
To get hired and to hold on to that job, Money on Books certified ex-offenders must practice being a man or woman of their word, because no employer wants to hire someone that’s truly unable to honor their employment agreement. Money on Books certified ex-offenders must truly have qualities that reflect, and affects our next certified ex-offender in a positive way once referred. The passing of this torch is a big responsibility and it must be treated as an honor.
Training supports are available to individuals who, after appropriate interview, evaluation, or assessment and career planning, are unlikely or unable to obtain or retain employment that leads to economic self-sufficiency or wages comparable to or higher than wages from previous employment. Professional America’s Job Center of California staff will guide individuals into desired training that is appropriate to the individual’s skill level and career pathway.
Training Support includes the following:
- Occupational skills training, including training for nontraditional employment
- On-the-job training including registered apprenticeship
- Incumbent working training
- Workplace training and cooperative education programs
- Private sector training programs
- Skills upgrading and retraining
- Entrepreneurial training
- Transitional jobs
- Job readiness training (in combination with other authorized training support)
- Adult education and literacy, including English language acquisition and integrated education (in combination with other authorized training support)
- Customized training (based on employer commitment to hire upon completion of training
Basic Career Support includes the following:
- Determination of Adult or Dislocated Worker Program eligibility
- Program intake and orientation
- Initial assessment of skills levels including literacy, numeracy, and English language proficiency, as well as aptitudes, abilities (including skills gaps), and support needs.
- Job Search and placement assistance
- Career counseling
- Provision of information on nontraditional employment and in-demand industry sectors and occupation.
- Appropriate recruitment and other business supports on behalf of employers, including information and referrals to specialized business supports
Workforce and labor market information such as:
- Job vacancy listings in labor market areas
- Information on job skills necessary to obtain vacant jobs listed
- Information relating to local occupations in demand and the earnings, skills requirements, and opportunities for advancement for those jobs
- Performance information and program cost information on eligible providers of training supports by program and provider type
Provisions of information on availability of Support Supports and referrals to those supports provided by other agencies, which may include, but is not limited to, the following:
- Child care
- Child support
- Health insurance
- CalWORKs
- CalFresh
Individualized Career Support includes the following:
Comprehensive and specialized assessments of the skills levels and support needs which may include:
- Diagnostic testing and use of other assessment tools
- In-depth interviewing and evaluation to identify employment barriers and appropriate employment goals
- Development of an Individual Employment Plan (IEP) to identify employment goals, appropriate achievement objectives and appropriate combination of supports
- Group counseling
- Individual counseling
- Career planning
Short-term pre-vocational supports and Workforce preparation, such as:
- Development of learning skills
- Communication skills
- Interviewing skills
- Punctuality
- Personal maintenance skills
- Internships and work experience that are linked to careers
- Financial literacy supports
- Out-of-area job search and relocation assistance
- English language acquisition
- Post-program follow-up supports